Aparna Ashwini composite dancing photos by Arun Kumar

Fringe Review: Ananta, The Eternal

Ananta, The Eternal is a collection of lushly told tales illustrated by two very talented dancers, says Megan Amato.


The jingle of bells could be heard as dancers walked across the stage in darkness. After an introduction to the deity the work is inspired by, two women appear exquisitely adorned and dressed in jewel tones before they begin to move around each other.

Aparna Ramaswamy and Ashwini Ramaswamy’s choreography is seamless, their posture, footwork and hand movements flow in synchronisation with the motion of their bodies.

The personality of each deity is conveyed through each dance, the mood and facial expressions shifting with the tempo, pace and music.

There wasn’t much interaction between the two performers and while each dance was beautifully choregraphed, I felt myself wanting to see them move more in relation to each other and to create more cohesion between each story.

Ananta, The Eternal is a collection of lushly told tales illustrated by two very talented dancers.

Assembly @ Dance Base – Dance Base 3

August 20-25.


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