City gardeners asked to spot mammals

HAVE you spotted rabbits, foxes, or other mammals in your urban garden?

If so then the People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) wants to hear from you.

The charity is gathering reports of sightings, footprints, and droppings from gardens, allotments, parks, playing fields, cemetries, and other public spaces.

Its data will help with conservation work in cities.

More unusual species spotted during previous surveys have included otters and pine martens, alongside more common mammals, such as hedgehogs, foxes, grey squirrels, and bats.

David Wembridge, mammal surveys coordinator at PTES, said: “Recording which mammals you see is vital to conservation – ‘Living with Mammals’ has been running for [more than] 20 years and, with the long-term dataset we have so far, we’re building a nationwide picture showing where different species are living and sadly where some are no longer living.

“We’re lucky to have so many volunteers that take part every year, but more help is always needed.

“If you can spare some time each week, we hope you’ll join us in trying to help save as many of our much-loved species as possible.”

Read more stories on Scottish Field’s wildlife pages.

Plus, get your skates on so you don’t miss Andy Dobson’s article about flapper skates in the February issue of Scottish Field magazine.
