An Lot returns for lambing season

CROFTING series An Lot returns to BBC Alba next week for a two-part special that includes lambing.

The programme, which is filmed at Ness on Lewis, stars Sweeny and David.

The latest two episodes, which will be broadcast on 1 and 8 May, cover winter and the lambing season.

Since the last series was shown, Sweeney has been elected as a local councillor.

“In the lambing shed and out on the croft, Sweeny is kept on his toes, and must be ready to deal with any emergencies,” said MacTV, which made the programme.

“With most lambs born just before dawn, sleep for the crofter is rare and sporadic.

“However, this is a rewarding time and for Sweeny the sight of healthy lambs leaping around the croft is what makes it all worthwhile.

“There is always the risk of eagles taking lambs at this time of year and Sweeny has secured a three-year contract to supply data to the Sea Eagle Management Scheme monitoring them and collating sightings.

“Other birds can also cause damage to new-born lambs and Sweeny has to take a lamb to the vet to get stitches after a nasty crow attack.”

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