
Fringe Review: Wiesenthal

Jeremy Welch reviews Wiesenthal at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Written by Tom Dugan and acted by Christopher Gibbs, this production is compelling.

It takes place in Wiesenthal’s office just before his retirement.  

Gibbs plays Wiesenthal perfectly at the later stages of his working life, retiring he may be but the fire and dedication to track down Nazi war criminals still burns as bright as the day he first sat in the War Crimes office after his release from a concentration camp.

The story of Wiesenthal is well known, or it should be, this performance brings a different perspective of the man.  

Steely in his determination to track down the perpetrators, not in the search for punishment but for the search of justice for the millions that were murdered by the Nazi final solution killing machine.  

The play suggests that one of the sources of the rise of the Nazis is based in post World War 1 shame leading to crimes committed by blind obedience. It’s an interesting angle.

Gibbs portrayal of Wiesenthal is wonderful. It presents the man as a husband, father and grandfather and how his family life was changed by his dedication to his search for war criminals.

The script is sympathetically written with just the correct amount of shock to grab the audience but softened by the gentleness of Wiesenthal.  

Gibbs delivers the script with skill and deftness, there is a delightfulness in presenting the gentleness of his personal life and his love of his family against the historical horror of his job. 

It is truly the tale of an ordinary man who did extraordinary things.

It’s a wonderful performance and well worth getting a ticket. 

A word of warning, I went on the second day of the fringe and it was a sell out. So don’t hesitate or you will miss it.


Wiesenthal is on at Pleasance Courtyard, Pleasance Below (Venue 33)  from August 8, 10-15, 17-22, 24-27

Tickets can be bought HERE.

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