Watch out for the ‘Money Mule Man’ in Edinburgh

IF THE “Money Mule Man” approaches you in Edinburgh tomorrow then just say “No” – and you could win £100.

Comedian Paul Black has teamed up with Royal Bank of Scotland-owner NatWest to warn people about the dangers of becoming a “money mule”, when a criminal asks you to channel money for them through your bank account.

Black will take to the streets of the capital tomorrow to ask festival-goers to look after his money.

Those who say “No” will be rewarded with a £100 cash prize, while those who say “Yes” will go home empty handed.

Black’s Edinburgh outting follows similar events in towns and cities throughout Scotland.

“I hadn’t heard of money muling until I got involved in the campaign earlier in the year, but that’s the problem – people are letting criminals channel money through their bank accounts with no idea that what they’re doing is actually against the law,” he explained.

“If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

“Edinburgh has such a great atmosphere during the Fringe, and I’ll be out and about to see if tourists and residents alike are clued up on money muling and find out who’s smart enough to win 100 quid.”

Read more financial stories on Scottish Field’s Your Money pages.

Plus, don’t miss Peter Ranscombe’s Your Money personal finance column in the September issue of Scottish Field magazine.
