A sporting memoir with nostalgia and warmth

I’ve been a bit of a rugby fan for years and despite not understanding 50% of the laws, the atmosphere and enthusiasm of both the crowd and the players is more than enough to keep me engaged.

This book is the story of one former Scottish rugby player, Ian Smith, who describes a period when the amateur game was less driven by the promise of cash and more so by the spirit and determination of young emerging players.

Smith recounts his first experience as a six-year-old going to watch Scotland play Wales at Murrayfield with his father in 1951, at which point he decided he wanted to play for Scotland.

It’s clear from the first page that Smith holds a great love of both the game and the players and coaches he has known throughout his life, making this a touching and heartfelt memoir filled with nostalgia and warmth.

A Full Back Slower Than Your Average Prop, by Ian Smith, published by Arena Sport Books, £17.99.

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