Spring is here as Beechgrove returns for a new run
Spring is sprung and that means Beechgrove is back for a new series this week.
The Beechgrove presenters, George Anderson, Carole Baxter, Brian Cunningham, Kirsty Wilson and Chris Beardshaw return with all the best tips on how to make your gardens grow.
Last year was a truly home grown Beechgrove featuring the presenters’ own gardens and allotments and in 2021 there is a welcome return for the actual Beechgrove garden.
Carole Baxter: ‘It will be a delight to be back in the Beechgrove garden and we will be seeing how the garden team managed to reclaim the garden from the clutches of Mother Nature as the garden was “furloughed” in 2020.’
In 2020 new gardeners were created as people turned to gardening to make more of their lockdown lives and Beechgrove will have tips and advice to cover those who only have a windowbox or indoor plants as well as people with their own gardens.
This year there is also an update on young allotment holder, Sophie McKilligan. For the last few years, Sophie’s Beechgrove reports from her Garthdee allotment in Aberdeen, have delighted viewers. Since then, Sophie’s horticultural career has taken a major leap forward and she is now part of the gardening team at Culzean Castle and Beechgrove will feature Sophie’s story as she heads down her new garden path.

Carole Baxter in her Aberdeenshire garden (Photo: Tern TV/BBC Scotland)
Another ‘new’ face will be Calum Clunie. Calum began his Beechgrove life last year as he sent in pieces to the programme team from his Leven allotment.
In Beechgrove 2021, Calum will be a Beechgrove regular and will take viewers along, following his allotment season from seed to show. Calum, 22, is a School of Rugby co-ordinator who works closely with the Department of Additional Support (DAS) in the high school where he coaches. Calum has an allotment and has won prizes at local shows since he was 15.
Massively influential in Calum’s passion for gardening is his grandad, Alasdair Simpson, who inspired Calum to garden as a kid and they still garden closely together today. It was in the garden of his grandad and gran, Sheila Simpson, that Calum first put fork in the ground.
Calum is excited to get growing: ‘I’ve watched Beechgrove for as long as I can remember, and I can’t believe me and my wee allotment are now a part of the team.’
Also appearing in 2021, Mairi Rattray, Beechgrove’s head gardener will come out of the shade of behind the scenes to appear regularly on screen.
The new 26-part series of Beechgrove begins on Thursday, 1 April, on BBC Scotland from 8-8.30pm.