We meet explorer Mollie Hughes in our latest podcast

The Scottish Field podcast is this week joined by Edinburgh resident and explorer Mollie Hughes.

Mollie became the youngest woman to ski solo from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole in early 2020, and is the first woman president of Scouts Scotland.

She is backing a major TV, radio and digital campaign to encourage people across Scotland to come together to tackle the climate emergency has been launched ahead of COP26 in Glasgow later this year.

The Let’s do Net Zero campaign highlights the benefits a net zero society will bring for our economy, health and environment.

It also aims to raise greater awareness of the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, and the transformation that is required across all corners of our economy and society in order to end Scotland’s contribution to climate change.

You can find out more about Mollie, her exploits and her work at www.molliehughes.co.uk, and you can find out more about the campaign at www.netzeronation.scot.

Podcast host also Kenny Smith chats about the current edition of Scottish Field, our annual luxury edition, which brings you the best of all things Scottish – heritage, interiors, antiques, gardens, wildlife, motoring, whisky and country news.

We have highlights of the very best in Scotland, whether food, places to stay, and incredible items to purchase.

In this month’s features, we look at Scotland and beyond with luxury film-maker and photographer Beetle Campbell, we find out about the ultra-exclusive club of Scottish island owners, we visit some of Scotland’s most skilled artisan designers, artists and creators, and butler and butler trainer extraordinaire Simeon Rosset tells all.

We also check out ten of the fanciest Scottish staycations that money can buy.

In our other features, Glaswegian actress Phyllida Law – who you may also know of as the mother of Dame Emma Thompson – shares her childhood stories and passion for music.

All this and much more is in the latest Scottish Field, with 292 packed pages, priced £4.75. To find out more about how to subscribe, just visit www.scottishfield.co.uk/subscriptions

You can listen to the new Scottish Field podcast, and our previous editions, HERE.

