Cask and Still Magazine Issue 5

Issue five of Cask & Still features Rab C Nesbitt star Gregor Fisher sharing his love of whisky.

We look at the Black Rock bar in London, and we discover other drinking cultures. Every country has its own drinking games, while downing a dram – or the local tipple – varies wildly depending on where in the world you happen to be.

We ask if sky-rocketing whisky prices finally reached their peak, and reveal Queen Victoria’s little-known love of whisky.

In Six of the Best, we share whisky cocktails by Mike McGinty at The Voyage of Buck in Edinburgh, and look at the rise and rise of the Swedish whisky industry.

Whisky by Numbers sees us look at figures on whisky in Sweden.

Ernie Button explains how he found art at the bottom of a whisky glass, and in our bluffers guide, we explain how to become knowledgeable about wood and casks.

This issue’s whisky hero is Bryan Davis, who has invented a whisky time machine, and our connisseurs choose their favourite tipples.

We look at the great gin scandal and ask what makes a gin truly Scottish.

Dr Brooke Magnanti reveals she has a history with bourbon, and we learn about pouring the perfect pint.

We conclude this issue with Whisky In Germany, with voluntary whisky ambassador Gavin Ryan.

Read issue five of Cask & Still HERE.

