Saved by their customers

An innovative campaign has seen Dornoch Castle Hotel raise £54,000 in just one week towards the £100,000 crowdfunding target that will save this Highland hotel.

Over 200 customers and well-wishers have purchased “pay it forward” vouchers from the hotel, which cost from £50. When the hotel re-opens guests will receive an extra 20% uplift which they can use to pay for booking rooms, dinner, weddings, their bar bill or even the hotel’s own whisky and gin.

The hotel has been owned for the last twenty years by the Thompson family, and had just undergone an extensive refurbishment. But £70,000 of cancellations pushed it to the brink, with the hotel – which also has a whisky distillery which has been making hand sanitiser throughout the lockdown – costing £8,000 a month to run even when standing empty.

“This whole process has been an absolutely stunning success,” said managing director Colin Thompson.” Our customers are with us all the way and want to help wherever they can. Adversity brings out the worst and the best in people and we have found this to be a very positive experience. We’re eternally grateful to those who stepped forward to show their faith in Dornoch Castle and our employees when so much is going on in their own lives. We thank them all from the bottom of our hearts.”
