Scottish Opera’s emerging artists’ online recital

FOUR young singers will perform an online recital to mark the end of their season as Scottish Opera’s emerging artists.

Arthur Bruce, Charlie Drummond, Heather Ireson and Mark Nathan have put together a short, light-hearted programme of operatic highlights, which will be streamed live at 6pm on 23 July.

The season marks the tenth anniversary of the emerging artists programme, which gives early-stage performers a year of full-time work to help launch their careers.

Over the years, the programme has expanded from singers to include a repetiteur, a costume trainee, a composer in residence and, for the first time this season, an associate producer.

Previous emerging artists include soprano Jennifer France, tenor Elgan Llŷr Thomas, baritone Ben McAteer, repetiteur Jonathon Swinard, and composers Gareth Williams and Lliam Paterson.

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