Help Sonja Jump Ship with alcohol-free beer

Scotland’s first alcohol-free brewing company, Jump Ship Brewing today announced its crowdfunding bid to help accelerate production of its first beer.

Sonja Mitchell, a keen sailor, beer-lover and mother of three, decided to ‘jump ship’ from her marketing job to launch Jump Ship Brewing.

Jump Ship was born in 2019 out of a love of beer but a horror of hangovers. Keen to enable more people to enjoy great beer without the booze, Sonja set out to discover if she could produce a world-class alcohol-free beer.

The crowdfunding bid aims to secure £10,000 with up to £5,000 match funding coming from RBS Back Her Business if Jump Ship can raise £5,000 from the crowd. This funding will enable Sonja to scale up production and get her 0.5% ABV beer to market. From £15 up to £1,500, consumers can be part of the Jump Ship launch.

For just £15 investors can be part of the launch party while £500 secures yourself a year’s supply of Jump Ship beer – 24 cans delivered each month, providing access to the company’s latest releases. For those with a love of sailing, £1,500 will bag a private dining experience for up to eight guests aboard Fingal, a luxury yacht hotel moored in Leith.

Sonja said: ‘I’ve always loved beer and dreamed of running a brewery. There’s a huge trend towards people (myself included) drinking less alcohol but I didn’t want to miss out on the taste of a good beer.

‘For years, the alcohol-free choices on offer have been pretty dismal and while it’s starting to improve, there’s still a long way to go. People are used to great beers with big personalities, and they shouldn’t have to compromise on that just because they are looking to cut back on alcohol.

‘Crowdfunding and the RBS Back Her Business initiative is a great option to get me the final investment needed to scale up production. I have been overwhelmed by the response to our low-alcohol beer, with a buyer for one of the UK’s biggest alcohol-free online retailers describing it as the best he’s ever tasted. We also have some of Edinburgh’s top craft beer pubs and independent retailers ready to stock it.’

As well as being alcohol-free, the first beer is also vegan and gluten-free, and to ensure minimal environmental impact, Jump Ship Brewing is selecting cans which are lighter to transport (reducing carbon emissions) and easy to recycle. They will brew on energy efficient kit and water usage is monitored carefully, while any leftover grain from brewing goes to a farm to feed their animals.

To find out more about Jump Ship’s crowdfunding, visit:

All the beers Jump Ship produce are less than 0.5% ABV – about the same alcohol content as a large ripe banana.
