Band pays tribute to Scots Manchester attack victim

Skipinnish has released a charity single in memory of Manchester attack victim, Eilidh MacLeod.

One year on from the attack at Manchester Arena, the Scottish trad band are raising funds to help build a permanent memorial on the teenager’s home island, Barra.

In the wake of the tragedy, Angus MacPhail – accordionist and founder of Skipinnish – wrote the song, Wishing Well.

Although the single was released in December last year, Angus did not disclose the meaning of the lyrics until meeting with Eilidh’s parents, telling them that the song was written about their daughter.

Following their meeting, the lyrics have been added to and altered slightly to create a new version. The song is now available to download, with all proceeds going to the Team Eilidh fundraising group.

Team Eilidh is looking to raise £5,000 in memory of the 14-year-old. Not only will this go towards a memorial for Eilidh, it will also help ensure that her love of music lives on through Sgoilfor Lionacleit Pipe Band, of which she was a member.

Having spent most of their time on Barra during their very first summer as a band, Skipinnish’s Angus MacPhail says they have enjoyed ‘huge support over the years from the people of Barra and Vatersay.’

He added: ‘When tragedy strikes close to home it is felt deeply and this is a very small gesture of just doing what we can to help in these terrible circumstances. Memory is one of the most powerful means of dealing with tragedy and a memorial will hopefully help the family and the island heal together.’

Eilidh’s dad, Roddy, says: ‘We as a family love the song. For us, it brings us back to so many wonderful memories of Eilidh growing up here in the islands.’

Skipinnish members are also going to be running the Edinburgh Half Marathon on 27 May, having already joined “Team Eilidh” in the Manchester 10K.
