Arts festival needs to raise £80,000 for it to continue

A leading Scottish independent arts festival is appealing to raise £80,000 in funding so it can continue.

Hidden Door is appealing for help to secure its future, as Edinburgh’s alternative arts festival has grown fast over the last five years.

It began as an experimental project launched by a group of volunteers in 2014, and grown into a full-blown, critically acclaimed festival bringing a burst of energy into Scotland’s cultural scene.

But it has proved an expensive venture for a small independent organisation run entirely by volunteers. The funding, sponsorship, donations and ticket sales have all helped, but these have never covered the event’s costs.

Hidden Doors aims to open up urban spaces as a platform for new and emerging artists, musicians, theatre makers, filmmakers, dancers, choreographers, poets and spoken-word artists.

Through organising temporary events Hidden Door works to showcase new work and create engaging environments for the public to experience, explore and discover.

Since launching the campaign, £5075 has been raised online.

A spokesman said: ‘We are now at a point where we can no longer survive without crucial support and investment. We believe that Hidden Door is good for Edinburgh and Scotland and we are determined to keep it going, but we need your help.

‘We are appealing for help to raise £80,000 to continue.

“With your donation you can become an official Hidden Door Supporter, Member, Patron, Ambassador or Saviour. Packages include invitations to a range of exclusive receptions, VIP experiences and informal party-events, giving you a unique behind-the-scenes access to Hidden Door, including sneak previews of possible venues, programme content and early access to discounted tickets.

‘If we have not reached our target by the end of 2018 then we will continue our fundraising efforts into 2019 until we have made our target and look to start planning the next festival as soon as we can.’

Visit to find out more and donate.

