
Fringe Review: Look At Them!

Megan Amato on one of her favourite performances of the Fringe so far, Look At Them!


This may be one of the best performances I’ve seen at the Fringe in years. Yes, it was that good.

Look at Them! was the fifth piece of dance/physical theatre I had seen over that weekend, and like many press releases, their show description about the many walls – metaphorically and physically – between us left much open to interpretation. So I didn’t have many expectations.

The nine performers did not keep their audience waiting, filing out onto stage in a neat line as soon as the theatre darkened only for the light technician to work their magic and reveal a flamboyant group in 80s-esque attire.

Over the next hour, the energetic team delivered in demonstrating their control and adeptness, even the sequences that seemed chaotic and frantic on the surface showed incredible dexterity in each deliberate movement.

Special shout out to the main soloist, the very-80s looking Li Yu, who not only led the team through the scenes but also through each emotional shift. However, none of the dancers slacked, and I found myself not only paying attention to what was happening on-stage but to each of their micro-expressions.

A+’s given to the whole crew from the very talented cast to the clever costume design to lighting and sound to Hu Bo’s tight choreography and incredible direction from Wen Xiaochao.

Each element effectively showcased the show’s message of the many walls we erect between ourselves, between others, and even between our self-expectations and our true selves.

A not-to-be-missed, pulse-racing performance that keeps you on your toes. Absolutely brilliant. I will be making time to see this again before their very short run is up.

Zoo Southside  –  Main House
Aug 4-9.


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