_DSC6374 credit Paolo Ranzani

Fringe Review: Arturo Brachetti


When I walked into this show with my two children, aged 11 and 13, I didn’t know what to expect. 

Then the lights went down, a little man walked on to the stage, and we listened to a story about a childhood house and how the many rooms held many memories.

We were lured in with the promise of a children’s story book and before we knew it the Incredible Hulk appeared. 

The next hour and a half flew by in what felt like a matter of moments.

Arturo’s costume and character changes were fast and furious covering many well-known characters from Batman to Elsa.

Many of the characters he changed into conjured up some nostalgia from my childhood but also, I imagine from his own, appealing to the older people in the audience. 

A really entertaining evening, I highly recommend this whirlwind of a show for all family members. 

Pleasance at EICC – Lennox
Aug 22-25.

Read more Fringe Reviews here.

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