Copyright - Grant Anderson / / @grantandersondotme
Copyright - Grant Anderson / / @grantandersondotme

Review: ASKR is the Plaice to be in Leith

A change is as good as a holiday, so they say. So when a restaurant that has garnered as stellar a reputation as ASKR announces a new pop-up then its likely to be worth embracing the change.

Plaice kicked off on 12 September, offering a menu devoted to Scotland’s seafood larder in ASKR restaurant. Situated on Constitution Street, a hop, skip and jump from the tram stop at the shore in Leith the restaurant is a cosy space that’s the perfect place to enjoy as the nights draw in.

The menu lends itself well to sharing small plates, but there’s plenty on offer for those old-fashioned souls who miss dining from their own plate too.

First up for us are the ceps on toast (£10), a hearty chunk of sourdough with a generous heap of tender, meaty mushrooms. And half a dozen oysters (£18), the dressing for these changes daily, but ours were looking resplendent in a tangy lime granita.

The hot smoked salmon (£9) was rich and with an outrageously creamy potato salad provided a swift change of pace from the fresh and zingy oysters, while I struggled to convince Mr B that he should relinquish just one of his deliciously sweet Portuguese-style clams (£14) in a garlic and white wine sauce.

From the specials board, the lobster tagliatelle (£29) was a triumphant bowl of perfectly tender pasta, chunks of rich and sweet lobster and a rich and buttery bisque. While the Scottish tuna with chilli and daikon salad (£29) was a generous portion of seed encrusted meaty loin, with a sweet and peppery salad.

Puds were an unnecessary, but very welcome addition in the form of a teeth-coatingly sweet and rich crème brulee and a lighter, but equally enjoyable chocolate cremeaux (both £9).

The wine list, as you would expect from anywhere that serves up great seafood, is extensive. We kept it simple with a fresh and light Grillo from Sicily, but there is much to explore for the wine connoisseur.

There are selected wines that can be ordered as small or large glasses, or even 500ml carafes. Investigating the reasonably priced and innovative cocktail list was also on my agenda.

At £9, the Euphoria, gin, strawberry and ginger was a great way to kick off the evening and finishing up with a limoncello negroni that went by the moniker Sunshine on Leith was really a no-brainer.

For now, the Plaice pop-up menu that we experienced is likely to be around for a month, so my advice is get it while you can.

And if you want to read more about Dan Ashmore and Dean Banks, the culinary masterminds behind ASKR and Plaice, you can read Richard Bath’s review of ASKR right here on the Scottish Field website.

ASKR: 102 Constitution Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6AW.  0131 283 3309. 

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