Getting an appointment to see a GP isn’t always easy. And a shift in many people’s thinking on what makes for good healthcare and wellbeing post-pandemic, has seen an increase in private GP practices opening their doors.
YourGP in Edinburgh is one such practice. Established in 2003 in Dean Village, YourGP has recently expanded onto Dundas Street. Here, there are four spacious treatment rooms offering patients GP appointments, comprehensive health screening, cosmetic treatments and sexual health services.
The Clinical Lead at YourGP, Dr Cathrow explains why private GP services are proving more and more popular: ‘During my time in healthcare over the past 20 years I have seen a hugely positive shift in patients’ attitudes. Especially since the pandemic, people are more attuned to general wellbeing and are looking for a more holistic approach to their healthcare. Focus has moved more to prevention as opposed to simply looking for cures. We are seeing a much more engaged population who are taking control of their health and wellbeing in a more proactive manner.’

Dr Cathrow outside YourGP on Dundas Street
Keen to try out the practice for myself, I arrive in the spacious reception and immediately feel at ease. I’m given a questionnaire to fill in as I wait for my appointment with Dr Cathrow. I’m here for a consultation ahead of my first ever cosmetic treatment. At just shy of 50, my skin is starting to look a little unfamiliar and I’m sure I’m not alone in sometimes not recognising the old woman looking back at me from the mirror!
Chatting with Dr Cathrow quickly sets any nerves I might have about anti-wrinkle injections aside and knowing that she has a Level Seven Diploma in aesthetics, which is the highest qualification achievable in the UK is reassuring. Dr Cathrow explains that aesthetic treatments carried out by qualified professionals are far less likely to result in negative side-effects. Anti-wrinkle injections, like botox, require a prescription, so are in the main fairly well regulated. However, fillers are more readily available and can be administered by unqualified practitioners. This can be risky as the effects of fillers last must longer than those of anti-wrinkle injections, so any unwanted side-effects are likely to be much more permanent.
This free consultation before aesthetic treatment is standard at YourGP, and we talk at length about my skin concerns and after lots more questions and a plan of action being made I choose to go ahead with the procedure. There was no pressure to do this, and I was given the opportunity to make another appointment if I needed more thinking time.
I’m having injections in my forehead to alleviate my frown lines, but I choose to retain some movement in this area of my face. The toxin will prevent the muscles in my forehead from moving, making it appear less wrinkled and also preventing deeper wrinkles forming. Dr Cathrow explains that the results will take between 4-14 days to take full effect and that we’ll schedule another appointment in two or three weeks’ time to review the results, at which point I could top up if required. She also explains how the treatment would feel, apparently some people describe the sensation post-injection as like having plasticine stuck to their forehead.
Dr Cathrow showed me the preparation method for the Botox branded toxin that YourGP uses. There are other brands available, but this is her trusted preference. The needles are particularly fine so the injections don’t hurt, for me it was far less painful than a visit to the dentist. I have ten small injections around my forehead area and am back on my feet in around ten minutes.
With an appointment in the diary for a follow up consultation I head back to the office quite excited about seeing the results progress. I did find that my brow felt somewhat heavy in the couple of days after the treatment, but this soon passed and a week later the results are clear to see. I’m delighted that the little creases in the middle of my brow have all but vanished and the three deep frown lines are now barely noticeable at all. At my review appointment we discuss eliminating any movement from my brow entirely, which would remove the lines completely, but for now I decide that I’m already happy with the results and that retaining some movement works for me as a first timer.
The results are likely to last around three months, and a return visit to YourGP and Dr Cathrow is undoubtedly one of my New Year’s Resolutions for 2024.
For more information, head to, email, or call 0131 225 5656
YourGP New Town: 53 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6RS
YourGP Dean Village: Waterside House, 19 Hawthornbank Lane Edinburgh, EH4 3BH53