Cask and Still Magazine Issue 2
The second issue of Cask & Still takes us behind the scenes of the remake of the classic film Whisky Galore.
We are given an all-access preview of the film, this time starring Gregor Fisher, Eddie Izzard, James Cosmo and Sean Biggerstaff.
Our Bar Snap of the month takes us to enjoy cocktails at Bangkiok’s superlative Sky Bar.
In Me and My Dram, we meet New York tenor Noah Stewart, who shares his new-found love of whisky.
In The Rant, we ask if the makes of No Age Statement whiskies are pulling the wool over the eyes of drinkers.
Six of the best this issue suggests some warming whisky cocktails from Bramble in Edinburgh.
We look at the rise of Japanese whisky producer Ichira Akuta, and guitar maker Jimmy Moon crafts a guitar from a whisky barrel.
We suggest ways in which to concoct your own DIY whisky cloud, and go on the trail of whisky counterfeiting.
The bluffer’s guide this issue takes a look at whisky labels, and our whisky hero of the issue is the octogenerian publican who runs the Fiddichside Inn.
As ever, our connoisseur’s collection brings you six recommended drams.
Dr Brooke Magnanti – blogger Belle de Jour – takes a look at rum’s revamp.
In beer, Chris Miller looks at craft beer brewed in whisky casks.
And we finish with a trip to Hong Kong, where conslutant and spirits judge Eddie Nara tells us what he looks for in a whisky.
This issue was originally published in November 2015.
Read issue two of Cask & Still HERE.