Discovering the megalithic sites of the nation

This comprehensive guide to prehistoric sites in Britain and Ireland is unparalleled.

Divided into the different regions of the area, every standing stone or chambered tomb is paired with its location, a description, and extensive information on it, its history at times mingled with folk stories.

It is also highly original in its addition of short features on a variety of topics, from ‘Top 10 Pieces of Music Inspired by Prehistory’ to ‘A Phenomenological Approach to Dolmens’, each written by different contributors.

The guide prides itself on having been written by the whole community of megalithic enthusiasts, from archeologists to stones aficionados.

It contains 1,000 sites, hundreds of which are not covered elsewhere. It is an essential read for anyone wanting to begin or to expand their knowledge about the megalithic sites that define British history.

This book is impressive and eye-opening – it truly is a book worth owning.

The Old Stones – A Field Guide to the Megalithic Sites of Britain and Ireland, by Andy Burnham, Watkins Publishing,

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