Runaway is the third installment of MacLeary’s Harcus and Laird series, and is a unique read for enthusiasts of crime fiction.
Two ordinary middle-aged women attempt to run their own private investigative agency while balancing part-time jobs and family life, with their latest intriguing case revolving around a missing housewife who mysteriously disappears without a trace.
Crazy with worry and desperately searching for answers, her husband turns to local PI’s Maggie Laird and Wilma Harcus, who enter a competition with local law enforcement to unravel where the missing woman is.
Exploring social issues of homelessness and sex trafficking whilst making reference to the #MeToo and #TimesUp campaigns, the novel proves that Aberdeen is a city blighted by these universal themes.
This excellent novel leads readers along Aberdeen’s streets on a dark, twisted and often satisfyingly sinister journey.
Runaway, by Claire MacLeary, published by Contraband, ÂŁ8.99.
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