Tartan Noir at its best with a link between distant murders

The Killing Tide is a gripping crime novel focussing on what seem at first to be two unrelated criminal investigations. One is in Orkney, involving the discovery of three gruesomely murdered bodies, inside a washed-up cargo ship, and one of a woman who was set on fire in Glasgow. But it soon transpires, through Orcadian…

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Wigtown Book Festival opens with McCall Smith talk

Wigtown Book Festival’s opening weekend got off to a superb start with a series of sell-out shows featuring authors of every kind. One of those participation was Alexander McCall Smith who was discussing The Joy and Light Bus Company – Book 22 in his hugely successful No 1. Ladies’ Detective Agency series. The plot revolves…

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A look at Orkney by someone who now calls it home

Have you ever considered leaving the rat-race behind and moving lock, stock and barrel to a far-away island? Well, Orkney: A Special Way of Life tells the story of a man who did. The author Richard Clubley, who retired to Orkney in 2017, provides a fascinating insight into daily life on Orkney. With a highly…

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Meet the founder of the animal hospice

A woman whose compassion led her to set up the country’s first animal hospice is now concerned that too many dying humans lack the love and care they deserve. Some years ago Alexis Fleming was bedridden with a severe chronic illness and wanted to end her own life – but thanks to her beloved dog…

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When vampires came to Scotland in a great read

I have always been a fan of the vampire genre, but this is a first for me. This tale of blood sucking horror set in the Highlands of Scotland. Mark Campbell, historian and author, is desperate to finish his new book on the infamous Highland Clearances when his researcher mysteriously disappears. Abandoning his depressed wife…

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A new perspective on the Battle of Culloden

The Best of Enemies presents a new perspective on Culloden detailing The Hessians role in the battle. This book focuses on the interesting characters leading both sides, providing information on the men themselves as well as events on the run up to the battle and its aftermath. A refreshingly new take on a well documented…

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A wartime thriller with the action in Orkney

This is one of three fast-paced thrillers written by Ken Lussey and set in Scotland during wartime. Located in Orkney in 1942, it’s a story of war and deception, and centres around group captain Bob Sutherland and his MI11 team. Flown in to inspect the naval base in Orkney, they find that things are far…

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Celebrating Edinburgh’s literary history

For anyone looking for a quick snapshot of Edinburgh’s rich literary history, look no further. Henderson presents an instructive and illuminating look into the literary legacy of the great city of Edinburgh, featuring overlooked or untold stories accompanied by photographs of famous landmarks and statues. This book provides a new perspective on a grand and…

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Fascinating insight into Scotland’s squirrels

A Scurry of Squirrels is truly fascinating. I particularly enjoyed reading about our changing attitudes towards red squirrels. Heavily hunted until the 1960s, they have now become one of the nation’s most beloved creatures. Despite immense efforts from conservationists, the red squirrel is still considered a rarity. Personally, I have only occasionally been lucky enough…

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Prizewinners unveiled at Bloody Scotland

The Bloody Scotland International Crime Writing Festival has revealed the winners of its major prizes. The event, which ran from 17-19 September in Stirling, saw the presentation of two prizes, with the debut prize, as well as the McIlvanney Prize for the Scottish crime writing novel of the year. BBC Radio Scotland presenter and debut…

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