House of Bruar: Fly fishing day

Sponsored Content | The House of Bruar is hosting a special fly fishing even next month and we have all the details.. The event on 6 April will offer fishing enthusiasts hands-on experience with some of the best brands and experts in the industry. Dive into the world of innovative rod and line design alongside…

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Photo Essay: Stockbridge

It’s no secret that Scotland spends the majority of its time wet and grey looking – but what it lacks in sunshine, it makes up for in its vibrance of art and culture. Our photographer Rachel Bolton takes a walk around Stockbridge to explore  this part of the city.   The name Stockbridge is originally…

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A burning question: Is Muirburn protecting Scotland’s landscape?

As the Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill makes its way through the Scottish Parliament, Peter Cairns, Executive Director, SCOTLAND: The Big Picture asks, is repeatedly burning our landscape really the best way to protect it?   Muirburn – the controlled burning of vegetation for land management purposes – has historically been governed by the Muirburn…

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Affric and Loch Ness bid for Scotland’s third national park

It is regarded as one of the most scenic glens in Scotland, home to a 30 mile nature reserve of ancient Caledonian pine woodland.  And now a bid to nominate Affric and Loch Ness as Scotland’s third national park has been launched, as organisers say the area’s globally important heritage deserves protection. The national park…

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