Pavlina Gusheva, Benjamin Giblin, Layla Ballard and Lachlan Kennedy

Young Scots cellist wins top music prize

A seventeen-year-old cellist from Edinburgh has won the highly prestigious Directors’ Recital Prize 2021 presented annually by Scotland’s national music school. Layla Ballard, in her...
The Twogether Duo are Huixin Hu and Alena Bulatetskaya

Free one-hour taster concerts coming to Paxton House

Music at Paxton, the summer festival of international chamber music at Paxton House, near Berwick Upon Tweed, is back for 2021. Audiences can enjoy two...

Hunt begins for Young Traditional Musician 2022

The search for the BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician 2022 has officially begun. The competition opened for entries Thursday, May 27. If you are...

Pitlochry Festival Theatre takes performing outside

Pitlochry Festival Theatre is to reopen this summer with a season of outdoor performances. Performed from June till September in the theatre’s newly built 80-seater...
Studio Collective has been launched by Daniel Pioro (Photo: Robert McFadzean)

Contemporary music collective begins

An ethos of experimentation, exploration and collaboration defines a new contemporary music collective at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. With a bold creative vision and...

Scots band Skerryvore set for live show onboard Fingal

Multi-award-winning band Skerryvore have announced a special livestream show to be broadcast from Edinburgh’s exclusive floating hotel, Fingal. Taking place on Saturday 24 April, tickets...
