Leee John with Lynda Barron and Peter Davison in Doctor Who (Photo: BBC)

Turn the clock back to the 1980s with Rewind Scotland

Pop music is fantastic for capturing those moments in time that stick on our heads. Whether it's a first kiss, a first date or a...
The St Magnus Cathedral interior (Photo: Leslie Burgher)

New music and dance production is coming to Orkney

The founder of Orkney's St Magnus International Festival is to be remembered in a special music and dance event. The St Magnus International Festival has...
Edinburgh classical guitarist Sean Shibe (Photo: Kaupo Kikkas)

A feast for your ears with Music at Paxton

A summer festival of top class international chamber musicis taking place in Paxton House on the banks of the River Tweed next month. Music at...
Sonoro will open this year's St Magnus Festival

Orkney’s music festival is just a week away

The magical atmosphere of Orkney at midsummer is being celebrated with a music festival next weekend. With the island's ancient landscape and unique performance settings,...
Edinburgh Castle will be alive with colours when it becomes a knight club

From top tourist attraction to knight club

Edinburgh Castle will be seen in in a new light when it becomes a knight club. As part of Year of Young People celebrations, the...

A summer festival of beautiful classical music

A summer festival of beautiful international chamber music is coming to the Scottish Borders next month. Music at Paxton will take place in Paxton House...
