Fringe Review: Gamble
A bittersweet multimedia show about addiction and its effect on families, friends and communities, says Jeremy Welch. ★★★ This play is dealing with a weighty...
Fringe Review: 1984
Jeremy Welch praises Sofia Barvsevich's near sell-out production as 'brave, brutal, disturbing and absolutely relevant'. ★★★★★ 'War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is...
Fringe Review: Forging the Swords
Adapted from Lu Xun's novel, Forging the Swords tells the story of a naturally kind-hearted child, who is suddenly entrusted with the monumental task of...
Fringe Review: Liminal
Megan Amato enjoys this contemporary dance production. ★★★★ If you didn't see this show, I'm sad to say that you missed out on a gem....