


Who Built Scotland, by Alexander McCall Smith, Alistair Moffat, James Crawford, James Robertson and Kathleen Jamie, published by Historic Environment Scotland, £20

Book review – Who Built Scotland

You can tell a lot about a country by the quality of its buildings and the stories behind them. Historic Environment Scotland commissioned five popular...
Short stories and poetry are wanted

The hunt is on to find Scottish writers and poets for new publication

Scots writers with a story or poem in them are being urged to put finger to keyboard. The Scottish Writers’ Centre are looking for submissions...
Rosslyn Chapel, by the Earl and Countess of Rosslyn

Book review – Rosslyn Chapel

To many people, Rosslyn Chapel has become synonymous with Dan Brown’s novels, particularly The Da Vinci Code. However, this book explores a different side of...
The Drowned and the Saved by Les Wilson

Book review – The Drowned and the Saved: When War Came to the Hebrides

A truly harrowing account, Les Wilson’s book sheds light on the untold Hebridean war experience. The Drowned and the Saved pays homage to the victims...
Edinburgh at Christmas

Outlander effect gives Scottish attractions a dramatic rise in visitors

Visitor numbers to Scottish tourist attractions have risen for the fifth successive year - and part of the success is down to hit TV show...
All The Galaxies, by Philip Miller

Book review – All The Galaxies

Philip Miller’s novel takes place in a step into tomorrow, with militarised police and a failed second Scottish Independence referendum. It features a boy wakened...
