An evening of culture at distillery

A celebration of Scottish poetry, music and food is taking place in Fife next month.

On Friday 11 May, Lindores Abbey Distillery will host an evening of music, poetry and fine local food at its second annual Music and Poetry Festival.

The evening will showcase some of Fife’s finest performers, with poets, essayists, musicians and chefs all demonstrating their skills and sharing their inspiration.

Kathleen Jamie is a poet, essayist and travel writer, and is widely recognised as one of Scotland’s best-loved poets – her work even appears inscribed on the national monument at Bannockburn. Her accolades include Scottish Book of the Year Award and the Costa Poetry Award. Kathleen will read a selection of her works.

Christopher Trotter will be preparing a sumptuous feast of local produce. Christopher is the Fife Food Ambassador, and is famed for his love of fresh, locally-sourced seafood.

Rebecca Sharp is a writer and artist whose works engage each and every sense. Her works are multi-dimensional, and often combine sound, sight and even smell; one of her ongoing projects is the Poetry Apothecary which seeks to explore the relationship between natural perfumery and poetry through the use of essential oils. The Scotsman lauded her work as ‘downright thrilling…simply immense.

Jim Tribble is a composer, performer and teacher whose musical talent knows no bounds. He plays a vast array of instruments ranging from the mediaeval fyddle to present day piano. He has delighted listeners in some of the most impressive historic sites in the UK, including Edinburgh Castle, Hampton Court and Rosslyn Chapel. Jim will perform some early musical pieces dating back to heyday of the now ruined abbey, and some of his own compositions.

Tickets are £25, including supper, and can be bought by contacting Stephanie Wilkie at
