Comedy hero Mark Thomas ready for Scottish return

Legendary comic Mark Thomas is returning to Scotland for not just one but two different performances.

In his latest show 50 Things About Us, Mark Thomas combines his trademark mix of storytelling, stand-up, mischief and really, really well researched material to examine how we have come to inhabit this divided wasteland that some of us call the United Kingdom.

Delighted to be back on the road once again, Mark picks through the myths, facts and figures of our national identities to ask how we have so much feeling for such a hollow land. Who do we think we are? It is a show about money, history, songs, gongs, wigs, unicorns, guns, bungs and sods of soil in the vein of The Manifesto-meets-sweary history channel.

An unstoppable force both on and off-stage, Mark has stopped arms deals, created a manifesto and brought the winning policy to parliament, walked the entire length of the Israeli wall in the West Bank, set up a comedy club in Jenin, had six series on Channel 4 alongside several television documentaries and radio series, written some books, grabbed a Guinness World Record, toured sell-out tours, won numerous awards, nabbed himself a Medal of Honour and succeeded in changing some laws along the way.

50 Things About Us is also a podcast, and was published as a book last year by September Publishing.

He will be at Glasgow’s Stand comedy club on Wednesday, February 16, and at the Stand in Edinburhg on February 17.

His second show is The Mark Thomas Comedy Product. Before Joe Lycett, The Revolution Will be Televised, Lee Nelson, Dom Joly and Balls of Steel, Channel 4’s The Mark Thomas Comedy Product was the show that set the agenda.

From challenging corporations, exposing corruption, ending MPs’ careers and setting up a PR company at an arms fair, this show changed the law on tax and inherited wealth, caught the Home Secretary hiding behind the war on drugs and happily used just about every conceivable military vehicle in the cause of comedy. It was the show that MPs prayed they didn’t appear on and that finally became too hot for Channel 4.

Showing his favourite clips and explaining what went on behind the scenes, Mark now tells the story in its fullest glory – from silly gags to arms deals, from the risqué to the risky – in this cinematic live experience of mischief, adventure, and seven years of gunning for the corrupt with a camera crew in tow.

There will be two Scottish stops with this show, on Thursday March 10 at Edinburgh’s Filmhouse  then on Friday March 11 he will be in Crieff at the Strathearn Arts Centre.

For ticket details click HERE.



