
Fringe Review: Apricity

Apricity is much more than acrobatic circus with acts of seemingly impossible feats of bravery, says Jeremy Welch.


Apricity is defined as ‘the warmth of sun in winter’ and the show is advertised as dance, physical theatre and circus. This show is all it’s advertised to be and more.

The opening sequence of candle lights transported between the cast members accompanied by a soothing background track tempts the audience into a cocoon of comfort and peace.

That doesn’t last long as the performance picks up tempo along with the music. What you witness in this show is hours and hours of dedication and hard work from these performers to ensure that the audience is treated to a mesmerising performance.

The word acrobatic circus always conjures up acts of seemingly impossible feats of bravery and impossible body distortions, usually stand-alone actions.

These were all present in Apricity but due to the wonderful and skilful choreography the performance was akin to contemporary dance.

The execution was mellifluous with each link between extraordinary feats flowing beautifully.

As the show approaches the finale you know that something is coming, something that will terrify you at the audacity to pull off the impossible.  Apricity does not let you down.

I always marvel at the dedication that artists put into their work, even more when that dedication involves physicality and risk designed to entertain the paying public. This is a show well worth seeing.

There were a few seats empty which is a shame as this show deserves a full house in honour to the performers dedication to entertain us.

Assembly George Square Gardens – Palais du Variété
Aug 9-11, 13-18, 20-25.

Read more Fringe Reviews here.

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