Fringe Review: Fall and Flow

Megan Amato reviews Fall and Flow at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

AS I slipped into the performance, I was not clear on what kind of show I had walked into to as it was wholly different from what I had expected nor anything like what I had seen at the Edinburgh Fringe so far.

However, once I adjusted to the style and humour, I was fully immersed in the unique storytelling that combines martial arts and physical theatre with slapstick humour. I was especially impressed with the martial arts in moments that appeared chaotic but, as the cast effortlessly manoeuvred between each other and scenes, it was clear that it was well choreographed and delivered.

Told in six stories, the black-clad actors took us on a thrilling hero’s journey that effectively and creatively made use of the stage, props and even their outfits. At times beautiful while otherwise humorous, their acting cleverly portrayed the right emotion fitting for each scene, pulling moments of awe along with robust laughter from the crowd.

The music was my favourite part of the production. It was one musician using a series of instruments including the drum, a reed instrument, and a gong, setting the mood and the tone of each scene and increasing the tempo to showcase tension or even to distinguish types and rate of movement.

As an ode to Hong Kong action films, Fall and Flow combines long-standing Chinese storytelling traditions such as Peking Opera with action and even some Wuxia-style martial heroes that has defined the distinct film genre over the century. If you’re after an innovative piece of physical theatre, I recommend you check out Hong Kong-based Theatre de la Feuille’s charming family-friendly and dynamic production.


Read more reviews on Scottish Field’s Fringe pages.

Plus, don’t miss the September issue of Scottish Field magazine.
