
Fringe Review: Garrett Millerick Needs More Space

Alister Tenneb reviews Garrett Millerick Needs More Space at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.


The show’s theme is inspiration, what inspires people to do things, and why it’s not always obvious why we do those things in the first place.

Well crafted, energetically delivered and with enough rough edges to be a bit unpredictable and not overturned.

Millerick touches on the ridiculous world around us, why the space race happened, why the Olympics matter and why competitions for science are not televised but The Sports Personalities Of The Year is.

Delivered at 100 miles an hour with a few breathers to slow down the frenetic tempo, I genuinely don’t think Garrett needs a microphone.

Millerick has clever interactions with the audience that had the potential for a lot more, but he never pushes things to being uncomfortable.

A few brilliant shaggy dog stories headed off into the unknown, but beautifully brought back to their relevant home with a laugh. A great number of laugh out loud moments in a show that also made you think about motivation, inspiration and action.

I am sure Garrett will be a recognised star. He’s taking the show on a nationwide tour after the Fringe. He has a great eye for humour that translates into real laughs, good delivery and an energy that’s hard not to get caught up in.

It’s 100 miles an hour and in full flight – buckle in for the ride.

Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Tron) – The Tron
Aug 6-11, 13-18, 20-25.


Read more Fringe Reviews here.

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