Credit: Lewis Coleman.
Credit: Lewis Coleman.

Fringe Review: Harry Stachini – Grenade

Alister Tenneb on Harry Stachini’s polished performance. 


Mancunian and very likeable Harry Stachini performed his show Grenade to another sell out show at The Underbelly, Bristo Square.

Themes throughout the show included relationships, honestly in those relationships, being single and parental guidance. We all face moral dilemmas in the way we deal with people – loved ones, friends and family but is it a good thing to be too honest?

Leading off nicely from audience interaction and questioning allows the show to be delivered with an endearing easy going charm and well suited to the show’s relatable stories and routines.

Refreshingly edgy on a number of controversial subjects and drawing on his own past life as a teacher in a hard, working class school with the numerous characters and pupils he experienced giving him a wealth of material.

There was good audience involvement and it was a very polished performance, honest observations and relatable material. I’m sure the rest of the run in Edinburgh will sell out too.

Underbelly, Bristo Square – Dexter

Aug 15-26.

Read more Fringe Reviews here.

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