Credit: Steve Ullathorne
Credit: Steve Ullathorne

Fringe Review: Isabella Charlton – So My Dad F****d The Nanny

Richard Bath is still struggling to process this comedian’s tale of a dark steamy affair between her father and the family’s nanny.


I seriously don’t know what to make of this show, which I’m still struggling to process.

Against all expectations, it actually IS about Cheltenham College educated posh girl Isabella Charlton’s bad boy barrister father shagging the 17-year-old nanny (as well as 40 Thai prostitutes, most of her mother’s friends, Uncle Tom Cobbley and all).

Charlton brings a manic energy and an eye-popping honesty to her life story and in fairness has one hell of a yarn to spin.

Her retelling of her true-life family trauma, built around a cad of a father who couldn’t keep it in his pants, is part comedy gold, but equally a schadenfreude generator (trust me, if your family is more dysfunctional than Charlton’s, you are in need of serious professional help).

Yet somehow, despite the sometimes grim content of her show and the tsunami of Daddy Issues she unleashes, this was an enjoyable and funny, if occasionally toe-curling, way to spend an hour.

Gilded Balloon Patter House – Blether
Aug 5-11, 13-25


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