
Fringe Review: Reginald D Hunter, Fluffy Fluffy Beavers

Reginald D Hunter was not as polished as one might expect from a comedy veteran but in a good way, says Alister Tenneb.


I was reading the news on my way up to the show and saw ‘Reginald D Hunter show cancelled’. Not an auspicious sign.

However, it turns out it wasn’t his show at the Edinburgh Fringe but a subsequent booking in East Renfrewshire in September. He had fallen foul over an incident and joke at his show this year – I’m sure you’ve read about it, it clearly was one of the main controversies of this year’s Fringe.

I saw Reginald in the Fridge 35 year’s ago and didn’t really know what to expect as he’s become a ubiquitous staple of numerous TV shows infringing Have I got News for you and 8 out of 10 cats.

He has always been one to tackle difficult subject matters, and I’m delighted to say that he was untethered and refreshingly direct on so many sensitive and controversial issues  – more so than any other Fringe show I’ve seen this year. 

He was nervous and clearly and  genuinely unsure of audience reaction to certain riffs after the controversy surrounding the previous night’s performance.

There was throughout a slightly unpredictable but palpable tension to a number of the jokes but he seemed pleased and relieved with the audience’s reaction.

Despite the show not really having much of a theme or thread I enjoyed the scattergun approach and style – where on earth would he head to next. Not as polished as one might expect from a comedy veteran but in a good way.

As I left I overheard the woman next to me comment ‘absolutely disgusting, that man should wash his mouth out with soap and water’. Although I got the impression she was delighted to be so offended. I laughed a lot.

Assembly George Square Studios – Studio One
Aug 22-26.


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