Lost Connections. Taiwan Season. Credit Lee Kun-yen

Fringe Review: Taiwan Season, Lost Connection

Megan Amato on Taiwan Season, Lost Connection – a fast-paced and agile performance that speaks to the heart and reality of our relationships today.


You best believe that when Taiwan Season come to town, my name will be on the list for every single one of their shows. Their talent recruitment team has not let me down in the past and they weren’t about to start now.

Lost Connection, my first show of the season, is a production that nearly every single one of us can relate to: our addiction to and dependency on our mobile devices.

A message delivered as clear as daylight when the first dancer came on stage in comfortable clothing and undereye bags big enough to fit said mobile phone.

The push and pull between ourselves and others was on full display as each of the four dancers fought for access to the screen, ignoring their collective wellbeing as they nimbly manoeuvred, sometimes frantically so, for their phones.

Wen-Jen Huang choreographed this beautifully, heart-achingly so, as the dancers jigsawed together on-stage, sometimes close enough to be in each other’s pockets – or more literally, in each other’s shirts – yet the distance created by their mobile device was a chasm between them.

A fast-paced and agile performance that speaks to the heart and reality of our relationships today, and to the face we show to the world and the reality we keep hidden.

Summerhall – Main Hall. 
Aug 6-11, 13-18, 20-25.


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