Fringe Review: Trash Test Dummies

Alister Tenneb reviews Trash Test Dummies at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

THIS acrobatic/circus/slapstick performance essentially revolves around three wheelie bins – doesn’t fill you with delight?

The show is geared towards kids ten years and under and judging by the near constant shouts, shrieks, squeals of laughter from their younger attendees they certainly know their audience and have it nailed.

References and nods throughout to films and popular culture were a bit lost on the kids but acknowledged and appreciated by the adults.

The three performers involved were fantastic and with well received encouragement and participation from the kids in the audience and just the right amount of cheeky humour. My ten year old absolutely loved it and was buzzing with excitement after the show.

It’s very well put together and the athleticism and acrobatic skill brought genuine “Whoos and Ahhs” from all. An extremely well choreographed and polished show that your kids will love. A bit different and unexpected than the more predictable circus offerings, which can be a good thing.

A couple of parts were a bit drawn out but I suspect to give the three performers a chance to catch a breath.

Your children will love it – you will too but, like my 12 year old, probably won’t want to admit it.

Underbelly Circus Hub – Meadows – 12.05pm – find out more about the show at

Read more reviews on Scottish Field’s Fringe pages.

Plus, don’t miss the September issue of Scottish Field magazine.
