Fringe: A lecture you shouldn’t miss at any cost

Do not be late for this lecture – The Professor is a study in the beautiful use of language, written by Brian Parks, and throughout it is witty, clever and informative.

To just read the script would be enough, but to have it so wonderfully acted by the enormously talented David Calvitto is a double delight.

Calvitto is the Professor and he is about to deliver a great discovery about the sphinx-like-smile of the Mona Lisa. But before that is revealed he discourses a lecture on Western Civilisation covering: mathematics, literature, poetry, music and somewhat sceptically, dance.

Each of these subjects is dealt with by the eccentric professor in an enthusiastic, hilarious and perfectly timed delivery by Calvitto.

When he asks a rhetorical question of the audience there is a temptation to engage in the debate as both the professor and subject matter is so compelling.

The pace is fantastically fast, fact after fact fired into the audience, the delivery is as batty as you would expect from a professor.

The final scene in the Louvre is quite brilliant. I now know more about Western Civilisation than I did before the performance.

I also now know two other things that I previously didn’t. If Calvitto had been my lecturer I would have got a First Class degree. The other thing I learned? You should under no circumstances miss this show.

The Professor, Assembly Rooms, Drawing Room, Assembly, 3.20pm

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