Royal Highland Hoolie: Tide Lines, Trail West and Nathan Evans to perform event
Folk pop band Tide Lines has been announced as a headliner for this year’s Royal Highland Hoolie.
The group has just released their latest single, Homeward Bound, and recently returned from a European tour to the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany.
Trail West, who continue to rise in popularity from their modest roots as a four-piece West Coast Ceilidh Band, will also be taking centre stage at the event in June.
Tik Tok star and singer, Nathan Evans, who’s Wellerman (Sea Shanty) video has racked up more than 300 million views, will complete Friday’s line-up, alongside The Peatbog Faeries.
Eight live folk and country music acts will perform across 21 and 22 June at The Royal Highland Centre.
On the Saturday night, Irish country music singer and songwriter, Derek Ryan, returns to headline the Highland Hoolie. He will be joined by Scottish singer Lisa McHugh, Highland accordionist and vocalist, Calum MacPhail and Cotton Eye Joe chart toppers, Rednex.
‘The Highland Hoolie brings together some of the very best of Scotland and Ireland’s homegrown talent to the Royal Highland Centre,’ said Jim Warnock, chairman of Royal Highland Show organisers.
‘With the Royal Highland Show one of Europe’s most prestigious agricultural shows, we are absolutely honoured to have some of the best names across folk and country music join us as to contribute towards what we hope to be a fantastic weekend for the agricultural and wider community.’
Farmers Bash organiser Nigel Campbell, added: ‘The Highland Hoolie offers something for everyone, whether you’re a fan of the musicians involved or looking to enjoy an evening of live music with friends.
‘We’re excited to have some fantastic names join our line-up this year and encourage those hoping to come along to get their tickets early to avoid disappointment.’
The next Royal Highland Show will take place at the Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh, from 20-23 June.
The first show was held in 1822 on a site that is now home to the Scottish Parliament. Today, it is Scotland’s biggest outdoor event attracting around 200,000 people and regarded as one of Europe’s best agribusiness shows.
Tickets can be bought from royalhighlandshow.org
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