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Scottish Highlands serve as backdrop to new philosophical adventurer film inspired by Cairngorms

The Scottish Highlands will serve as the backdrop to a new philosophical adventurer film inspired by the Cairngorms.

Filmed during the harsh Scottish winter, The Subtle Art of Losing Yourself follows filmmaker George Thompson as he explores the Cairngorms to uncover what we can learn about ourselves by observing nature.

George’s journey as a filmmaker is deeply rooted in a personal mission to inspire others to reconnect with themselves and the natural world. 

The Subtle Art of Losing Yourself asks the age-old question ‘who am I?’ 

‘I grew up in Scotland until I was six years old and I have always returned there, as the mountains and landscape really inspire me,’ says George. 

‘It continues to be part of my home, and my heritage. 

‘I am humbled by the Cairngorms in particular – the strength of the winds and the resilience of the animals that survive and thrive there.  

‘The Scottish Highlands give a rare opportunity to be in a place where you may not see any humans, or even any impact of any humans, and this helps me reconnect with where humanity came from and the history of life on our planet.  

‘When I go out into nature, I actually find myself learning more about myself.  We often forget to pause and to slow down. The Scottish Highlands allow me to do that.’

Through seeing the intelligence of the animals on the mountain and exploring the history of human evolution, George uncovers the profound lessons nature offers about the secrets of the human mind and our place in the universe. 

‘I’ve experienced my share of anxiety and feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern life,’ George said. 

‘But regularly getting out into nature has helped me reconnect with the beauty of life—a beauty that we so easily forget and yet we have always been a part of.  

‘Out in the wild, I’ve found a sense of self that has given me resilience and meaning. 

‘Through this film, I want to share the hope I found in those wild places. 

‘I believe that if we take the time to learn about ourselves, to observe and learn from nature, we can rediscover a sense of balance and purpose that has been lost in the chaos of modern life.  

‘This film is my way of showing that balance isn’t just a lofty ideal— balance is possible for you, for me and for humanity.’

The Subtle Art of Losing Yourself premieres in London on 19 October.

Read more on Scottish Field’s News pages. 

Plus, don’t miss the October issue of Scottish Field magazine.
