The 12 Scottish signs of the Zodiac are launched

Scotland’s new official star signs are being officially launched today.

The traditional 12 Signs of the Zodiac are being replaced, and Scotland’s first National Astrologer has been appointed, to bring the nation good fortune in the coming years.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon approved the move, which will see the zodiac replaced by Scottish equivalents, reflecting Scotland’s cultural values, popular culture, iconography and history. Newspapers are being requested to stop using the traditional signs, and switch to the new Scots equivalents.

The new signs are:

  • Capricorn the Goat – Billy Connolly
  • Aquarius the Water Bearer – a whisky glass
  • Pisces the Fish – leaping salmon
  • Aries the Ram – Gordon Ramsay
  • Taurus the Bull – a Highland cow
  • Gemini the Twins – The Proclaimers
  • Cancer the Crab – langoustines
    Leo the Lion – the Scottish wildcat
  • Virgo the Virgin – Susan Boyle
  • Scopio the Scorpion – Midges
  • Saggitarius the Archer – A gamekeeper
  • Taking on the post of Scotland’s National Astrologer is Foal Pirlo, who was delighted to have been given the position.

Foal, a former Scottish Field columnist, said: ‘For years, I’ve been fascinated by astrology, and have been enthusiastically reading the stars for many years.

‘I’m absolutely delighted to have been given this position, and I intend to share good news with the people of Scotland over the coming weeks and months.’

Foal is returning to Scottish Field in our next edition, when she will present exclusive horoscopes for our readers.

She added: ‘I can’t wait to get started – coming back to Scottish Field has been written in the stars!’
