21212 restaurant in Edinburgh
21212 restaurant in Edinburgh

Restaurant showcases the taste of summer

A Michelin starred Scots restaurant is to showcase an unusual and little known taste of Scotland this summer.

At their best for just a couple of weeks, garlic scapes are the flowering shoot of the garlic plant and have to be removed to produce a fat, juicy garlic bulb.

At their best for only a couple of weeks, they are an annual speciality.

21212 will be the only restaurant in Edinburgh to use the Scottish ingredient which is being handpicked specially by The Really Garlicky Company.

Scapes are often discarded and wasted but head chef Paul Kitching spotted their potential. More commonly used in Asian cuisine, Paul will now feature them on his innovative restaurant menu.

Paul said: ‘How exciting it is to discover new ingredients and introduce them to my guests.

‘I love supporting local businesses and their produce, so The Really Garlicky Company’s garlic scapes are a welcomed guest to our menu. I’m looking forward to some experimentation to celebrate this beautiful ingredient.’

The Really Garlicky Company are the only garlic producers in Scotland and have grown a hardneck variety in Nairn for nearly 19 years.

The family team of Gilli and Glen Allingham and their daughters have won numerous awards for the quality of their products and are recognised nationwide.

The 21212 restaurant in Edinburgh

Gilli said: ‘It is great to see scapes receive the recognition they deserve. Often wasted, I believe it is a great shame they aren’t celebrated more.

‘I look forward to scape season each year and use them in dishes like paella, summer salads, pesto and dips.

‘We are very excited to have 21212 as a customer and love seeing the creations Paul and his team are developing. We hope this helps bring awareness to this seasonal delight.’

Garlic scapes claim to host a number of nutritional benefits including prevention against osteoarthritis, cancer and have high amounts of antioxidants. The flavour is a cross of a spring onion and garlic. It can be used both raw and cooked.

The Really Garlicky Company will be harvesting Scotland’s only garlic crop this August which will also feature on 21212’s menu.

21212 is a Michelin star restaurant based on Royal Terrace, Edinburgh.

Chef Paul Kitching, and his partner Katie, opened 21212 in 2009 and have been attracting visitors from far and wide ever since. Paul’s theatrical dining experience and unique take on produce earned them a Michelin star soon after opening.
