Glenalmond College appoints its next warden

GLENALMOND College, the independent boarding school in Perthshire, has named Mark Mortimer as its next warden.

Mortimer – who joins from Bryanston and Warminster, two independent boarding schools in the south of England – will take over from Michael Alderson on 1 January.

Alderson and his wife, Emma, are returning to England after three years in Scotland to be closer to their family.

Mortimer will be joined at Glenalmond by his wife, Anna, and their three children.

He is described as “a keen historian, sportsman, and saxophonist”, who has “twice rowed across the Atlantic Ocean, taken part in the Marathon des Sables across the Sahara, and more recently cycled across the Arctic Circle”.

Iain Gray, chairman of Glenalmond College’s council, said: “We are preparing young people for the challenges of a changing world in a wonderful setting combining our heritage of 175 years with a modern outlook.

“We are thrilled to welcome Mark whose experience and personality makes him a great fit with the ethos of the college, to build on the recent progress and to engage with the local community and staff.”

Gray added: “We would like to thank Michael for instigating a programme of reform and modernisation, which places the college on an exciting course for the future.

“He provided us with a strong focus on improving academic standards and critically steered the school through the difficult lockdown caused by covid.

“We are also grateful to Michael and his wife, Emma, for their contribution to college life since March 2020.

“Michael leaves with our gratitude for his integrity and commitment to Glenalmond College.”

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