Detox Health and Beauty event comes to Edinburgh

One of Scotland’s most popular feel-good events, Detox Health and Beauty, is bringing the UK’s top health and wellbeing experts together.

One Space will offer an urban collective of midlife, menopause and wellbeing advice on 18 November at One Spa, The Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa.

Professionals and leading consultants from the worlds of medicine, nutrition, fitness, ayurveda, sound healing and breath work are coming together for the event. 

It’s a day of balance, informative talks, uplifting advice, a little refreshment.

Speakers range from Dr Katie Armstrong founded Clinic51 in London to offer a holistic approach to women’s health. 

An NHS GP with 20 years’ experience and a busy working mum in her 40s, she’ll guide you through reproductive life, through the menopause, and beyond.

Dr Laura Wyness, award winning Registered Nutritionist and author of Eating Well for Menobause and Olwen Brunton, qualified psychotherapist will feature.

Gillian Dalgleish, Therapies Edinburgh, therapist and coach specialising in stress, anxiety and weight management will also be there. 

For more information visit

Tickets from £65, to access a 15% discount, enter the code DHB2023

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Plus, don’t miss the December issue of Scottish Field magazine.
