
The perfect pampering package at Gleneagles

There are few things I enjoy more than being pampered, eating lovely food and slowly sipping a good cuppa.

Having had a rather hectic few weeks recently, there couldn’t have been a better time to receive an invitation to try out Gleneagles’ Polish & Patisserie package at the weekend – which just so happened to bring all of my favourite things together.

Neither Rosie nor I had ever been to Gleneagles before but as soon as we entered the long driveway, we could see what all the fuss was about. After parking up, we walked passed the perfectly manicured lawns towards the impressive main building and smiled as we saw a family enjoying a relaxing game of croquet.

We walked into the beautiful dining room, The Glendevon, where the sunshine was beaming in through the bay windows. We expected it to be busy on a Saturday afternoon, and though it was buzzing with families and friends who were enjoying an indulgent celebration (there was even a table set up for a surprise 70th birthday celebration, complete with bouquets and balloons, awaiting the lady’s arrival), we were still very well looked after by the staff.

We were put on a lovely wee table next to a magnificent flower arrangement, though if I were to go back and book a table, I would ask to be in the window, or perhaps in their snug at the back of the room – a private booth that overlooks the whole room.

We were delighted to see a whole tower of savoury treats – a mixture of classics like duck egg mayonnaise and mustard cress in a brioche bun, as well as newer tastes like chicken, truffle and chive on a Gleneagles oatcake. The amuse-bouche of tomato gazpacho with basil and Tabasco wasn’t a winner for either of us but then we’ve never quite gotten our heads around the idea of cold soup.


We easily reached an agreement that the favourite savoury treat was the haggis bon bon with whisky mayonnaise, you can’t beat a Scottish classic done to crispy perfection. The winning sweet was the Scottish strawberry and olive oil cake with Katy Rodgers’ creme fraiche which was wonderfully light and provided just the sugary kick we wanted.

Breaking with tradition, we were given a blueberry and whisky scone along with a little treacle number, served with Gleneagles & Co jams and clotted cream. For a double whammy, one of the jams was blueberry and whisky flavoured and went perfectly with its scone equivalent.


All that eating was thirsty work and we each received our own little silver teapot with our choice of brew. Sipping from the gorgeous china cups, I was feeling properly pampered already.

For the next portion of our girls afternoon, we made our way from the restaurant to Bob & Cloche, the beauty salon. From the moment we stepped in the door, the experience felt like a very glamorous affair with its luxurious couches, cushions and welcoming fire place.

Both our nails were a sight for sore eyes prior to sitting down in Bob & Cloche, but they have now been transformed into raspberry jewels – I can’t stop looking at them. Our therapists were delightful and chatty, and it was nice to be sat down with Rosie so that all four of us could blether away together and put the world to rights. I was also delighted when my therapist told me that my treatment would end with a hand massage. Using OPI’s micro-exfoliating hand polish, I was treated to a lovely relaxing scrub and massage followed by a little rinse and a healthy wee dollop of moisturiser to finish the experience.

We both left feeling incredibly relaxed and ready to take on the weekend.

The Polish and Pamper package requires a minimum of 2 people and costs £105 per person.

For more beauty product and experience reviews click HERE.
