Heading back to Scotland’s seas in Fish Town

Stories from the seas of Scotland continue tonight in the third episode of Fish Town.

We will find out more about the industry in the acclaimed documentary from BBC Scotland. The fish sold at market in Peterhead comes from boats all over Scotland, including from the far northern harbour, Scrabster, where Reliance is preparing to set sail.

On this trip the boat’s owner, John Clark, is stepping aside as skipper to let his son David, 22, take the helm for the first time. John is on board working as first mate and keeping a close eye on his son, making sure he’s doing everything by the book. Time will tell if David has what it takes to prove to John he can skipper Reliance alone.

On the north east coast, trawler Sardonyx, skippered by Michael Watt with his brother Brian as first mate, is also heading out to sea. They’re on the hunt for squid in the Moray Firth, less than a mile from shore.

Fishing close to land still comes with dangers for the Sardonyx and its crew and they soon have a problem with the net. They can’t lift their 600kg gear out of the water but luckily Michael comes up with a plan to help get the catch on board.

On shore, the Robertson family are checking their flagship boat Zenith into the drydock for some vital maintenance work. They’re also checking in the Zephyr, a trawler they bought just 10 months ago which needs an overhaul to match it to the Zenith. There are just seven days to get the boats cleaned, painted and replacement parts in place before they must go back into the water.

Fish Town will be shown on Monday 3 February on BBC One Scotland, from 7.30–8pm.
