Cask & Still: New issue out now with all the latest whisky news
The latest issue of Cask & Still is out now with all the latest whisky news.
Once again it has been a huge year for whisky. More distilleries have been built, with yet more planned for the near future. The momentum behind Scotland’s national drink shows no sign of flagging.
This issue highlights how whisky is working really hard at staying relevant. This can simply be by ensuring that its production is as sustainable and environmentally sympathetic as possible, a subject covered by Peter Ranscombe.
Reduce, reuse, recycle: Peter Ranscombe explores the Scotch whisky distillers adopting a whole range of methods for turning their amber nectar ‘green’.
We also look at the increasingly inventive ways in which whisky markets itself. One of these has been an alliance with luxury goods, which we’ve written about in the past, and, more recently, by the use of art as a powerful branding tool which also increases value.
The art of whisky: We look at the connection between art and whisky and why collaborating with artists is all the rage for distilleries.
Editor Richard Bath has visited several of the distilleries that have been built recently, and said he was particularly blown away by the 2023 launch of Gordon & MacPhail’s The Cairn distillery near Grantown-on-Spey.
Me and my dram: Following a rocky start celebrity chef Tom Kitchin tells us how he has fostered an enduring love for whisky.
Cocktails: Lind & Lime Gin shares some easy-to-make tipples that will spice up any party.
Read it all and more here – https://issuu.com/caskstillmagazine/docs/cask_and_still_issue_17