Event celebrates all things Scottish and vegan
If you thought vegan festivals were just for vegans and veggies – think again.
Everyone is enjoying vegan these days from Will.I.AM and Jennifer Lopez to Benedict Cumberbatch and Brad Pitt.
Vegan week from Great British Bake Off showed us just how much fun you can have with vegan food and now the supermarkets appear to be competing with each other as to who can bring out the best new vegan goodies. Vegans now have their own cool menus in most mainstream restaurants, pubs and cafes.
So if you’re currently tucking into your quarter pounder but starting to realise that there’s now something way more exciting out there and it’s vegan-shaped, hop along to Scotland Vegan Festival, Saturday 9 March.
There’s everything to tickle your taste buds from the latest gourmet vegan cheezes, indulgent creamy chocolates to some naughty vegan kebabs, and everything in between. It’s like all the food you’ve ever enjoyed but with the unhealthy bits taken out.
You can try before you buy, and sample foods that are so new they haven’t even hit the shops yet. You can also bathe vegan too – with a range of deliciously scented soaps and handmade bath bombs from brands like Iuvo Skincare.
And if you’re feeling stressed from a busy week, you can have the chance to chill out in a relaxing yoga session.
Scottish stall holders include Cool Jerk Vegan Pies, Captain Cakeman from Falkirk, Glasgow’s IZenJuice and Jaw Brew craft beers, Edinburgh’s Mimi’s Bakehouse and Herbivore Kitchen, Go Vegan Scotland, SAGA (Scotland Against Greyhound Abuse), Scotland For Animals, OneKind from Edinburgh, Baby Blue Bee Bunnies from South Lanarkshire, Aberdeen’s Suya Luna Naturals, The Black Cat Soap House from Angus and Lucy Bradley Medical Herbalist from Glasgow.
There’s something for everyone – with lots of cool children’s activities and entertainment on hand to amuse the little ones. And if your teenager is into the latest trends you can check out cool designer vegan labels such as the gorgeous range of ‘Viva La Vegan’ hoodies and Tees. Plus there’s a massive range of gifts and goodies including candles, jewellery, and even treats for animals. It’s also a great place to shop if you’re looking to go plastic-free.

Healthy vegan jackfruit tacos
If you’re looking to get more in-depth, the festivals also feature useful talks on nutrition and the vegan lifestyle as well as some inspiring, fun cookery demos to get you started.
The Scotland Vegan Festival takes place on Saturday 9th March 2019 at Hampden Park, Glasgow from 10.30am to 4pm, so there’s plenty time to browse around before lunch, enjoy some talks and demos, and round the day off with tea, or take something home for later. There are over 80 fantastic stalls, world food caterers, exciting cookery demos, inspirational talks, interactive workshops, yoga and children’s activities running throughout the day.
Festival organiser, Victoria Bryceson runs her events in partnership with animal welfare charity, Miracle’s Mission.
She said: ‘I’m really looking forward to our exciting new series of festivals. They’re set to be even bigger and better than last year’s. We received so much positive feedback last year and there’s now so much demand that our festivals are becoming regular sell-out events. I think it’s partly because people really love the friendly atmosphere.
‘And also because it’s one of the best places to network and meet others who are vegan-curious too. The wonderful thing about our events is that they’re for everyone whatever your lifestyle. Just come along and bring your friends for a great, fun day-out. You’ll have everything you need there, whether you’re looking for some retail-therapy, some “me” time, precious family time or just a lovely meal out with some friends.’
Entry to the Scotland Vegan Festival is from just £3 (under 16s free) and this includes entry to all areas and activities. Standard tickets are purchased at the door on the day. VIP tickets are £15, which include fast track entry and a goody bag full of vegan products, samples, discounts and offers can be purchased in advance but sell out quickly.
Vegan Events UK festivals also help local homeless people, whilst also helping to reduce food waste. Stall holders are asked to donate any surplus food at the end of the festival, and a group of volunteers distributes it to homeless people after the event, providing a hot meal as well as cold dishes.
For more information visit www.veganeventsuk.co.uk or www.facebook.com/VeganEventsUK.