Historic Scottish pubs feature in new free guide

A free guide to Scotland’s pubs with an impressive heritage has been released. 

Scotland Real Heritage Pubs: Pub Interiors of Historic Interest has been created by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), and is available as a free download.

Edited by Mick Slaughter, this ground-breaking publication aims to create an up-to-date snapshot of the Pub Heritage picture in Scotland.

Paul Ainsworth, chair of the CAMRA National Pub Heritage Group: ‘Over the past 25 years, CAMRA has developed its national and regional inventories of historic pub interiors. These highlight the crème de la crème of interiors which have either escaped much alteration for many years or contain features of exceptional interest.’

For example, in Edinburgh, the Oxford Bar is a small, no-frills affair which has become something of an Edinburgh institution.  At the front left is a tiny stand-up bar with just two window benches seating about four people, and a few stools.

There is also an old fireplace on the far left, partly covered up by the counter and thus predating the existing servery arrangements. The Café Royal has a truly stunning interior. The building, by architect Robert Paterson, dates from 1861 and opened as a showroom for gas and sanitary fittings, but by 1863 had became the Café Royal Hotel.

Included is detailed comment on all the pubs in Scotland listed on the CAMRA Pub Heritage website. The guide is freely available from the CAMRA Pub Heritage website.

The CAMRA national Pub Heritage Group has commenced a two-year project to bring the various regional pub heritage guides up-to-date and, also, easily available via the Pub Heritage website.

Grateful thanks are given to numerous individuals, the National CAMRA Pub Heritage Group and local archives, the latter providing access to unique historic documentation.
