
Try these tasty Brambley Burgers with Mustard Mayo

As the leaves on the trees turn from green to yellow and brown, it means that autumn is here. And, of course, it means that...

A tasty way to enjoy vegetarian haggis burgers

Scotland's national dish comes in several forms, including one for vegetarians. Courtesy of Macsween, we're mixing things this week up to bring you haggis in...

Haggis salad – a quick and easy recipe

This week, we've been giving you some new ideas about what to do with Scotland's national dish. Courtesy of Macsween, we're mixing things this week...

A tasty recipe for lamb kofta kebabs with haggis

The humble haggis - a Scottish favourite for hundreds of years, and its popularity shows no sign of dropping. Courtesy of Macsween, we're mixing things...

Try something different with a haggis burger

It's Scotland's national dish, and over the next few days, we're bringing you some recipes to try at home. Courtesy of Macsween, we've got some...

A tasty beef short rib that’s worth the wait

Andy Waugh, forager and chef-owner of Sixes and Mac & Wild restaurants, this week shares some tasty recipes with Scottish Field. A lot of work...
